
Cruzos Link to heading

Operating System written entirely in Rust.

Killer Triangle Link to heading

Asteroid-like browser game made in Rust using Macroquad and compiled to WASM.

Ninjaterm Link to heading

Shell scripting and Vim workshop for more than 20 students at Universidade de São Paulo. Worked from the very basics to advanced shell scripting, interacting with processes, piping, redirecting, and variables. Integrated Vim as a powerful tool to the command-line and shell workflow.

Documentation (pt-BR)

IPv6 Workshop Link to heading

IPv6 workshop for more than 30 students and professors at Universidade de São Paulo. Simulated realistic scenarios and developed practical exercices to reinforce the learning process. Covered topics such as history of the protocol, public vs private addresses, and unicast vs multicast addresses. Slides (pt-BR)

Documentation (pt-BR)

DoS Workshop Link to heading

Invited as head of the Computer Networks Security division at Ganesh to give a workshop Denial of Service (DoS) attacks workshop for more than 50 students at Brazil’s largest Computer Science undergraduate event. Covered amplification techniques, botnets, peer-to-peer networks, TCP and UDP flooding, etc.

Slides (pt-BR)

Documentation (pt-BR)

Heroes Build Scrapper Link to heading

Python web scraper for hero builds of the MOBA game Heroes of the Storm which automatically gets content from a website displays it in-game using BeautifulSoup and Requests lib.

Github repo